Sunday, March 22, 2009

With Winter on its way out, that's a Wrap!

Spring has been playing peek-a-boo with us here in the Northeast, but according to the calendar it has arrived, and the winter-weary gang at Fresh Purls is resolutely ignoring any evidence to the contrary.

One sign of Spring is that we are starting to put off our parkas in favor of colorful wraps, shawls and ponchos. At left we're showing two ponchettes: short, over-the-head "shoulder warmers" in bright colors. Both are rib-knit on big needles and have a lot of "give" to them. They really are one size that fits all. The orange one is knit from a pattern that Karen created, shown here in Misti Alpaca's Tonos yarn in 50% merino 50% alpaca. It's tons more fun to wear than a puffy coat and still pretty warm. The striped ponchette is Jeanne's design, knit from three skeins of Noro Iro.

This green garter-stitch poncho is for a child, knit in Dream in Color's Groovy (formerly Fatty) yarn. It only takes two skeins, and is done entirely in the knit stitch, so it's a project that can be whipped off in an evening, but what a beautiful result! We've dressed it up with a pretty ceramic pin at the throat.

The poncho at left is made from one of our newer yarns: Schulana Fashion-silk (3 balls). It's incredibly soft and luxurious.

All these patterns are free with the purchase of the yarn of your choice. So throw off your winter coat and join us!

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